Proper maintenance is key to a healthy roofing system. As one of the most important components of a home, your roof protects your family and belongings from the elements. Regular roof inspections are essential to keep your home in optimal condition and to reduce the cost of future repairs. An experienced roofing contractor can also spot roof problems early on to prevent small repairs from becoming an expensive roof replacement. Routine roof inspections can also prolong the life of your roofing system.
Roof damage can occur in any season, even summer. When a summer storm arrives, you want to be prepared. Follow the following guidelines for summer storm roof protection:
1. Inspecting the Roof
As previously mentioned, regular, thorough roof inspections can make a world of difference in the condition and longevity of your roof. Roof inspections can save you a substantial amount of money and stress in the long-run. Meanwhile, the process itself is fairly straightforward, starting with an evaluation of the roof from the ground. A contractor will generally look for obvious signs of roof damage, such as fallen shingles or broken gutters. Next, a contractor will go onto your roof to investigate its condition more closely.
Roof inspections should be performed whenever you suspect damage following a summer storm. When examining the state of your roof, a contractor will look for loose nails, a sagging roof deck, noticeable wear on shingles, dark spots, wood rot, and shingles blown off by a storm. A roof inspection will also consist of inspecting the area around the chimney for leaks and the gutters for shingle granules. If any type of damage is found during this routine inspection, your contractor will recommend the best course of treatment. By following the contractor’s recommendations, you can reduce the likelihood of future damage.
2. Cleaning Gutters
You probably expect your gutters to perform their job without much assistance from you. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Over time, leaves, twigs, and other debris can collect in your gutter system. If too much debris builds up, it can actually clog the gutter, preventing rainwater from properly flowing away from your home. If water is allowed to pour down the sides of your home, it can cause damage to walls, landscaping, and your home’s foundation. Gutter clogs are also a preferred home for a variety of pests and rodents, and can also contribute to mold growth.
If you know that a summer storm is coming, it is wise to have your gutters cleaned beforehand. Summer storms can result in the downing of trees and an abundance of airborne materials that can become stuck in your gutters. By having your gutters cleaned by a professional before the start of a storm, you can rest easy knowing you are not contributing to the problem. It is important to remember that even if you have covers or screens on your gutters, debris can still enter from your roof. That said, while uncovered gutters should be cleaned every four to six months, covered gutters usually only need cleaning every one to three years.
3. Trimming Trees Around the Roof
Heavy tree limbs can cause substantial damage if a summer storm knocks them onto your roof. If you have trees that are located near your roof or actually hang over your roof, consider having the trees trimmed on a regular basis to prevent damage from occurring in the event of a storm. In addition to obvious threats like penetration into your roof, a fallen tree or limbs can scrape against your rooftop, damaging your shingles. Leaves from the branches can also fall into the gutters leading to a clog or mold growth.
Of course, summer storms are not the only thing you have to worry about when it comes to your roof and nearby trees. Trees may show signs that they need to be cut down, or trimmed before a storm arrives. Look for red flags that could indicate a problem with your trees, such as signs of rot or fungus. Touch the tree and if it crumbles easily or feels soft or brittle, the wood is likely rotted. Also look at your tree during the spring months. Is it healthy and green or are the leaves brown? Brown leaves, split branches, and similar signs could point to the need for tree removal.
4. Making Repairs After Damage Is Identified
Many homeowners do not give much thought to their roof until a major storm arrives. Wind, rain, and hail can cause significant damage to your roof, chimney, skylights, and gutter systems. If the damage is investigated and promptly repaired following the storm, the damage can usually be contained resulting in a manageable repair bill. However, if you allow the roof damage to go without repair, it can worsen over time, resulting in the need for a total roof replacement.
If you have recently experienced a summer storm and expect that there is roof damage on your home, call in a contractor to check your roof and determine the extent of damage. Leaks are fairly common after a summer storm; however, they are not the only problem that can occur. Granule erosion, peeling paint, and fungus growth can also occur. Having these problems fixed early on can help protect your home and the safety of your family. If you are not able to have your roof fixed immediately for whatever reason, a contractor can cover the damaged area with a secured tarp to immediate damage.
Speak to a Roofing Contractor About Roof Protection
Roof protection is an important topic that many homeowners neglect. However, when a summer storm comes blowing in, you may start to worry about the condition of your roof. Even a small windstorm can cause loose shingles to blow off your roof, your gutters to fill with debris, and overhanging tree limbs to plummet onto your roof. By having regular roof inspections performed by a licensed contractor, you can substantially lessen these types of risks. For more information about roof protection or to schedule a free roof inspection, contact the roof replacement contractors at Beyond Exteriors.