Metal beats out conventional roofing materials in a number of ways. A metal roof installation can last upwards of 40 to 70 years, depending on the material. Metal is impact-resistant and will not usually crack or corrode. As metal roofs reflect heat from the sun, they are energy efficient can reduce your cooling costs by 10 to 25 percent on average.
Dangers Of DIY Metal Roof Installation
Most metal roofs are also made mostly of recycled materials, meaning they are environmentally-friendly. While this popular roof material has countless benefits, metal roof installation can also pose numerous dangers, especially if you do the job yourself.
Physically Dangerous
Working on top of a roof can pose a number of health concerns. All it takes is one bad move and you can easily slip and fall off, resulting in serious injury. The chances of injury from climbing onto a roof is increased further if the roof is wet, icy, or contains leaves or other debris. Even in ideal conditions most DIYers are not up for the task. Many contractors rely on safety harness systems to keep them safe on a roof but the average homeowner does not have this luxury.
Incorrect Shingle Installation
Installing metal roofing is not an easy job. When mistakes are made during installation, the roof becomes susceptible to leaks which can significantly reduce its lifespan. There are a variety of mistakes the average DIYer can make that can result in leaks, such as over-tightening fasteners, under-tightening fasteners, or placing fasteners off-center. Incorrect attachment and the improper sealing of flashing can also allow water to seep under the roofing materials and into your home. Galvanized steel and other metals run the risk of corrosion and rust due to water-born pollutants. However, expert contractors know the right coating to use to prevent these types of problems.
Financially Risky
There is a reason why professional contractors have general liability insurance and workers compensation. That is because no matter how experienced or skilled you may be, there is always a risk of injury when you are performing work from a high height. If you or someone else should fall while working on your roof, you could be looking at tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills. In addition, choosing to DIY your metal roof will likely void any existing warranty you may have. When you hire a professional, you have the benefit of receiving a new warranty.
Poor Aesthetics
It takes the skill of a professional contractor with experience working with metal to create a seamless look on your roof. When making repairs, it is easy for a DIYer to replace a few metal panels haphazardly, resulting in a crooked or mismatched appearance. This can have a negative impact on your home’s curb appeal and will likely be noticeable by passersby. A contractor is able to find a metal that blends seamlessly with your existing roofing material, and can install it with expert precision.
Low Quality Materials
As a DIY, you are likely going to purchase economical materials from your local home improvement store to install your metal roof. While this can work in a pinch, it will generally not withstand the long-term. Professional roofing companies have access to high-quality roofing materials that are not readily available to the average homeowner. While you may pay slightly more for these materials, they will last years or possibly decades longer than the cheaper stuff. Remember that your metal roof is an investment and you do not want to choose the most inexpensive option available.
Benefits Of Hiring A Roofing Contractor
There are many reasons to hire a professional roofing contractor to complete your metal roof installation instead of going the DIY route. First, hiring an expert roofer can be more cost-effective. While most homeowners expect to pay more to hire a professional, this is not always the case. Contractors already have the tools and equipment necessary to complete the job. If you had to buy these supplies yourself, you would likely have to shell out hundreds or even thousands of dollars. In addition, roofers are able to purchase materials at a discount due to their ties with industry retailers.
Job Is Completed Correctly & On Time
Hiring a professional contractor will also ensure that the job gets done right and within a short amount of time. When you are a busy homeowner, you may not have the time to work on your roof every day. By only working on it in the evenings or weekends, it could take you a long time to complete the job. In addition, the average homeowner will not have the skills or expertise needed to get the job done quickly and flawlessly. Contractors know what tools and supplies to use and how to complete the job so that it is up-to-code.
Avoid Personal Injuries
Safety is a major concern when performing any type of DIY roofing project. Homeowners can easily fall off the ladder or roof, resulting in serious injuries or even death. Contractors are not only trained to maintain safety while on ladders and roofs, but they also use various safety gear to stay safe. Hiring a professional contractor will also come with a warranty. This means if a problem arises in the weeks or months after the contractor has finished the job, the contractor will come back to make any necessary repairs to your metal roof.
Learn More About Metal Roof Installation
Metal roofs remain one of the most popular roofing materials due to its resiliency and long-life span. However, like all roofing materials metal can succumb to damage, especially if it is not installed correctly. Hiring a professional contractor is the best way to ensure that the metal panels are properly installed and meet local building codes. A contractor can also perform a thorough inspection to ensure no other areas of your roof need to be addressed. For more information about installing metal roofing or to schedule a roof replacement, call the professional roofers at Beyond Exteriors today.