Roofing damage can come when you least expect it. From inclement weather to general deterioration due to aging, most roofs endure a lot over their lifetimes. Many times small damages don’t seem like too big a deal to address quickly, however small damages can turn into much larger ones in an instant. Whether a roof is strong and durable or worn out and aging, when the damage is done it’s imperative to act quickly, otherwise a total roof replacement may be the only solution.
With an insurmountable amount of damage, however, there are some temporary fixes, such as emergency roof tarping services, that can sustain a roof until repairs are required. Though only an initial “band-aid” for the roof, emergency roof tarping is a tried and trusted method for beginning the roof repair process. Hiring an emergency tarping contractor to handle the job is the first step in restoring or repairing a roof into a sturdier and more durable one.
Emergency roof tarping services offer a quick but temporary fix to a roofing problem, such as a gaping hole or torn away shingles from a fallen tree or severe storm. Damages like these are an immediate, serious issue and can lead to even bigger problems along the way, like leaks, mold, or a total collapse. Emergency tarping services are contracted to prevent even further damages to the roof than it has already sustained. They are the “first-call responders” so to speak, and use tarp materials to patch up the roof quickly enough so the home below is safe and secure. After the roof is tarped, a roofing repair contractor is able to repair or install a new roof to correct the damage completely.
Time is of the essence when you need roof tarping services, so be sure to call us at (703) 830-0863 as soon as possible!
How Emergency Roof Tarping Works
Emergency roof tarping requires many more materials than just a tarp. Plywood, tape, nails, drills, saws and ladders all play a role in laying down a strong and secure tarp to cover the damage. Below, a homeowner can rest easy knowing they have a safe environment to live in before a roofing contractor comes to fix the total damage.
If a hole has punctured the roof, the first step is to lay plywood over the damage. Plywood is placed under the roof’s sheathing and then secured by screwing in screws or nailing it to the roof’s foundation.
The tarp is rolled out and held down to make sure it doesn’t fall or fly off the roof due to wind. The tarp is then hung down off the roof slightly and pulled out to the other side of the roof to fully protect the damages and the entire roof. Finally, the tarp is firmly secured by strapping by screwing the strapping into the roof sheathing.
While it may be tempting to try and do an emergency tarp installation on your own, it is highly advised against. It may seem like a simple task to complete, but emergency roof tarping requires multiple workers and specific materials. It is also a highly dangerous process to complete alone. This job must be carefully completed and overseen by professional emergency roof tarping contractors for a successful job and protected roof/home. It is important to leave it to experts.
Why You Should Choose Tarp for Your Roof?
Tarping is serious business. It prevents more damages from accumulating when a roof is missing important protective parts. It also protects against even more potential damages like fallen trees, harsh winds, inclement weather, hail, etc. An emergency tarp helps tremendously by immediately allowing rainwater to run off the roof and keeps the interior of the home dry and protected. This prevents leaks from seeping into the home and mold growth. It also protects the home overall if the roof damage has weakened the home’s foundation; a common issue resulting from a damaged roof. Remember, delaying the tarping process is a huge, unsafe mistake. By putting it off, it can increase the likelihood of the hole in the roof widening or the roofing structure rotting. Contract emergency roof tarping services as quickly as possible to avoid further severe damage.
Again, anyone who attempts a DIY emergency roof tarping project is in for a terrible outcome and is highly advised against doing so. Significantly dangerous results can occur with improper, untrained construction processes. For one, a non-professional could further increase damages by stepping on the shingles improperly and potentially shifting them, which would affect the structure of the entire roof.
Someone could also potentially hurt themselves by losing balance and falling off the roof. Using improper tools can also worsen the damage and fail to correct the problem. If one were to mess up the project, they would have to restart from scratch and purchase entirely new tools, delaying and complicating the process. Not only that, but any further damages would be on the homeowner’s dime, any injuries sustained would require they pay for their own medical bills, and the list goes on.
Hiring professional emergency roof tarping contractors will save an individual from potential DIY nightmares. They understand how to complete the process with their professional training, high-quality work, and strong reputation. They know every in-and-out of a successful project and the details required. They are also properly insured, so a homeowner is left with no liability for any medical damages workmen sustain. One of the best reasons for hiring professionals is that they will get the job done far more quickly than an untrained homeowner could. This would ensure that the home stays safe and protected immediately before seeking a roofing contractor to fix the damages.
Call Beyond Exterior’s Emergency Roof Tarping Contractors Right Away
Beyond Exteriors’ emergency roof tarping services are the answer for any sort of roofing problem, small or large, easy or complicated. Beyond Exteriors’ emergency roofing services are the premier choice for emergency damage. Our contractors are quick, efficient, and effective at tarping a roof before more extensive work, without sacrificing quality work. They offer their services and a helping hand to ensure that your home and roof sustain no further damages, and that clients suffer no further headaches in the process. If your roof is damaged and you need a tarp placed over your roof, call us right away at (703) 830-0863 and we will send our emergency roof tarping contractors to your location as soon as possible.